Our focus is on creating regenerative housing and community projects for the mutual benefit of people and the environment.


Landings Studio is a family centred design practice that utilises the co-founders background in horticulture and architecture.


Emma Healy co-founder/architect 

David Pratt co-founder/horticulturalist

Anna Zervoudakis designer

Caitlin Healy administrative hype girl


Connections/relationships -

It's less about what we make than who we make it with. We love to support communities, businesses, families and individuals who are consciously trying to create a better world. At the moment we’re working on flood reconstruction, a regional food hub, a garden nursery, a series of farm buildings and some small residential refurbishments with a few aligned educational projects on the horizon.

De-materialisation/intrinsic value of design -

We have entered an era where the wilful creation of products and objects is no longer financially or environmentally sustainable. We want to help you to understand how to achieve your aims with the least possible material impact and financial investment. It's about maximum experiential and functional impact for minimal environmental input. Tony Fry calls this 'elimination design'.

Research informing practice -

Alongside our design and technical work we ensure there is a deeper conceptual framework for the work we undertake. We actively participate in independent research and advocacy. We see each project as an opportunity to expand our knowledge.

Accessible and inclusive -

We want to make architecture, horticulture and design more accessible to everyone and we're interested in alternative modes of practice and economic exchange to enable this. We continue to educate ourselves to improve our understanding of inclusive practices and ways of working that are more fair and restorative for ourselves, our clients and the broader community. 

Regional knowledge and specificity -

We work in Southern Queensland and Northern NSW across the many Indigenous countries and language groups that make up our beautiful sub-tropical bio-region. We continue to deepen our knowledge and understanding of this place and all it's complexities. We aspire to build spaces and communities within our local areas where our deepest affection and expertise reside. We are open to collaborations with people, communities and designers in other regions who can steward projects with their own respective expertise.

Who we work with


Alistair Swayn Institute


Food Connect

Loop Growers

Architects Without Frontiers


WomenBuild Alistair Swayn Institute OzHarvest Food Connect Loop Growers Architects Without Frontiers Parlour